Monday, February 16, 2009

Healing hearts

"This is the message: we should love one another" 1John 3:11 NIV

This seems so simple but being the humans that we are we have such a knack for making it so complicated. I wanted to share with you a brief story of the Love that God has put in me.

I was engaged to a woman a couple of years ago. We had bought a house, had two dogs, wedding plans, a hot tub, and so many other things that we are told that we should have. Most of those were my fault. I thought that we had to have "stuff". You know, keeping up with the Jones's. We didn't have God. I take responsibility for this because I had put so much effort into convincing her that there was no such thing. Now that I think of it she was the start of me searching for Him. Dave was the catalyst but that's another story.

As relationships some times go we split apart. That can be such an ugly thing for anybody involved. There was so much pain, damage, venom, and mistrust that came from that. We both hurt each other and threw up huge walls against feeling that pain again. Our break up wasn't even a very bad one. Neither of us hit the other one or cheated on the other one, it just wasn't Gods will for us to be together. This was a little less than 2 and half years ago or so. A little less than a year ago I called her up to see if she would talk to me. I bet she was stoked to get that call! She was gracious enough to meet with me with out knowing what the meeting was about. God wanted me to ask for forgiveness from her and to repent for not being the man of God that His daughter deserved. It went well and through that God started healing in us.

Tonight I had pizza with her, the new man in her life and his two daughters and I have to tell you I really enjoyed it. The man that is now in her life is a friend and someone that I really care for. Both of his daughters are very dear to me and it was so good to be able to see them again and just share life with them for an hour and a half. We talked and laughed together. It was a little hard to get started but it started to feel more and more natural and was so good.

Father, thank you for your grace and healing. Thank you for breaking our hearts open and letting moments like this happen in places where I never thought it possible. I now realize that it isn't possible with out you Father. Thank you for sharing your love with us Father and for letting us forgive each other and ourselves so that we can share the love that You have for us. Father I pray that you work in their hearts in a mighty way so that they can be passionate for You Father. Father please continue to break my heart and keep on filling me with your love and passion for my brothers and sisters, no matter the circumstances. Father please forgive me for letting me get in the way of your will so much. Thank you for being so patient and loving with me Father. AMEN!!!


Anonymous said...

You know, this is really good. Thank you for sharing. I have really thought about being a more forgiving person, especially a lot lately because I know that is what God wants us to do. It is not our job to teach a lesson and "punish" people. This is easier to know and harder to put into action.

Anonymous said...


Caleb said...

Thanks "Anonynous"!!!