Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jesus Vs. Satan

Well my friends I am back. It has been a while and I really have no good excuse. My life has been full and oh so very beautiful. There are seeds that were sown many months that are starting to bear (Thank you Steve) fruit in the most amazing ways, relationships are growing and improving, faith is growing, struggles are being met with more grace and love, and I feel that God is at the center of it all. I feel like I am truly where God wants me to be right now and that He is prepping me for an amazing journey that is just a mere matter of months ahead. He has brought out greater joy and emotion in me than ever before and we have just been growing in our relationship. So there is my quick update on the happenings of me. I realize that they are a bit hazy but I think that around the new year I'll be able to put some of it into better words for you.

Today I was doing communion after an amazing time of repentance and worship. I was thinking about the moments before Jesus was betrayed and the interactions between Satan and Jesus when it hit me that the two of them had a relationship! When you think about Satan had to of known who Jesus was from the start. I couldn't imagine that Gods only begotten son could go unnoticed by Satan. So from very early on Satan knew that he had to make Jesus fall into sin. Jesus could have gone his entire life avoiding temptation and trickery by the ultimate tempter and trickster!!! In this constant battle between the two of them it had to have built a relationship of sorts. Satan had to have known what was going to happen and could have been preparing for the moment right before Judas kiss for quite some time. Can you imagine Gods most perfect angel going rogue and then becoming the one being that is the source of evil, the absence of light, good and love. This is the one that has spent eternity tricking and manipulating many strong and faithful men and women of God. Satan has this perfected and it has all been practice for this moment and on top of that he has had all of Jesus life to get to know Him and look for His weakest possible places. You had better believe that he was ready for this moment and he had it carefully planned out. This is the important part. Jesus NEVER faltered. Not for one moment. Not even on the cross when he cried out "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (refer to psalm 22 while your there continue on to psalm 23).

Jesus knew what was going to happen and He still never even backed down...He never asked God for the second option He and He did it for you...for me....for everybody you love...for the men who flew the jets into the twin towers....that tattooed guy with the pierced septum that just gave that dirty look to you yesterday and the guy who cut you off on the freeway yesterday. Satan came at Him with everything he had and Jesus won. Why? We are on the winning team. We have the Creator and Redeemer on our side. His love is beyond anything that we could ever imagine and as His only begotten son that love was deep within Him. He already loved you, get the idea. I guess what I am getting at is that His love really is something far beyond my comprehension and that there is absolutely no way that we can loose this battle as long as we have faith and always look to God. We are so deeply blessed.

Father I thank you for sacrificing your Son for us. I couldn't even imagine what that must have been like to see the pain and suffering that He went through for us....for me. Father thank you for being the light and my guide. Thank you for bringing a joy to me that I would have never been able to imagine before. Thank you for loving me so very much! Father I pray that you show me how to worship you better in my every day life so that I can strengthen my relationship with you and in turn be your tool in your kingdom. Thank you Father. AMEN!!!


??? said...

Hey Caleb,

I like 'bare fruit' better than 'bear fruit...'

It sounds more exotic (although you might lose your PG-13 rating!!).


We are fortunate men, my friend, of that you can be sure!

Caleb said...

Thanks for the proof Steve.

We are unbelievably fortunate!!!

kirsten said...

wow. it's so weird to think of jesus and satan having a relationship, but you're right. he was the most beautiful angel and heaven and quite rightly had a relationship with God.

this thought gets so many wheels in the head turning. can you smell the smoke?

it's good to read more thoughts from you here.

take it easy!! :o)

Caleb said...

Kirsten- Thanks for dropping in again. I know it's been way to long. I wish that I could smell the smoke around your head because that would mean that it mine had cleared from my wheels turning. Take care sister.