Saturday, March 8, 2008


Well hello there and welcome to my first blog. Pretty exciting isn't it!?! On my myspace I often post questions as to what a particular word or phrase means to people and today my friend Jessica told me to check this out so here I am and her is my first question for you.

What is Faith to you? How does it play in to every moment of your life or does it even play into your life at all?

I look forward to hearing your answers to this. Thank you for taking the time to read this and answer it. Be blessed.


Jessica said...

Hey!! I loved all of your comments and questions. There is one you asked about so I thought I'd go into a little more detail.
Orthodoxy is correct belief. Orthopraxy could be summed up as correct living, or correct application of beliefs. Jesus gave us a great example in the Bible of how to live and how to follow God, but what He didn't do is give us a database of do's and don'ts that will give us clear black and white answers for decision making. Sometimes I'm well intended and I screw things up. Sometimes I want to follow Jesus' example but I don't exactly know what He would do. Sometimes I can't distinguish between truth and half truth... So I have to pray... And that's not always clear either, because sometimes (well, actually most of the time) God wants me to ignore my fear and just try, but my little pea brain has trouble handling that... So I find myself crying out in desperation "Show me how to live!!" and sometimes he does. Sometimes I have to step out in faith and just try. We have a good guideline for how to live our lives in the life that Jesus lived, but it's so rarely black and white... I struggle with the grey area. Does that make more sense? Please tell me if you think I'm off my rocker. I love hearing what you have to say.

By the way, I'm looking forward to reading all of your great insight, questions and answers!! It'll be fun!

Jessica said...

I love the Indiana Jones analogy!! SO PERFECT!!! I think the toughest thing for me is to ignore the voice of my fear and take that step... I usually think things like "what if the invisible bridge is really a myth?" or "what if there is an invisible bridge and I miss it by a couple inches... or a few feet?"
The whole trusting thing has been a theme that God's been working in me for a while. I long to be fearless and confident in my decisions, like Indiana Jones, or Eowyn from The Lord of the Rings.
I had a teacher in high school that used to say "leap and the net will appear" Maybe the first step is just being obedient to leap.