Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Wedding

As I type this I am at about 36,000 feet above sea level on my way back from my Dad’s wedding. What a great time I had!!! It was great to spend this time with all of that family. There is a bit of dysfunctional in there but I think that is just part of family. I have yet to meet a family that has no problems. I have been close to some that have had few and I have seen some that hidden it well but it’s just part of being us. We struggle with relationships from time to time no matter how good we are at them. I know that I have spent my time struggling with them and I’m sure that some of you are nodding your heads very enthusiastically. As much as I dislike confrontation or those “hard” moments I also have a deep respect and I am a bit fond of them (OK you can stop nodding now). I even enjoy stirring them up some time because I think that they are such a great chance to grow and learn about each other…and yourself. Oh yeah, the “yourself” part is so important!!! I have learned so much about myself from the people that I love and some teens that I grew very close to and loved. I tell you what, there is nothing like a smart, angry, confused, hurt, and scared teenager to teach you about yourself. Ok I’m heading down a rabbit trail and the funny thing is that I really have no clue where I even want this to go.

I guess family and relationships is where He wants me to run with this. Before this weekend began I was filled with emotions on how I felt about my Dad. I know that I love him and that he loves me. I don’t doubt that for a second. I know that he desires to spend more time with me but there are a lot of insecurities there and I’m not sure how to deal with them. Let me tell you some things that I learned from my dad. I learned that work is important and a good work ethic is very important. I’ve learned that you can fall hard and get back up ( I like that one ). I’ve learned that you can hug and kiss another man out of affection and there isn’t that perverse thought process and emotion behind it, it’s just showing them that they are special to you and that you care for them. Then there are the hard lessons and those tend to come with the others. These I won’t go into because I really don’t want you to have the wrong idea about him. I know that I have learned these from friends, my mother, my sister, lovers, and enemy’s.

Have you noticed that so much of life comes right back to the relationships that you are having in it. The relationships with your family, friends, waitress, customer, …..God. Whoa!!! How often is that the last relationship that you think of? It is so convicting for me. He should be the first one that I think of yet He seldom is. This is changing and He is the center of my thoughts more and more. The more I am focused on Him the more love that I give out to everybody else. Strange how that works.

OK so this is a very scattered post but it’s mine and I get to do what I want! I do hope that you enjoyed it and left it feeling convicted or better.

Father I thank you for giving me the ability and the opportunity to write this. I thank you for letting me land on my feet this morning. Thank you for giving me the chance to hug my dad, sister, Colleen, Grandma, Grandpa, and my mother Lord. Thank you for continuing to bless me over and over again with your grace. I know that I am undeserving but yet You still love me and I am so thankful. Please forgive me for not realizing how powerful Your love for me is and what a true blessing your grace is. Thank you Father. Amen

1 comment:

kirsten said...

tag, you're it!! :o)

please check out the post on lattes.


p.s. will be back to comment on your actual post later. ;o)