Wednesday, January 28, 2009


To the left is my dear friend Kirsten who flew down to San Francisco to go kilt shopping with me. Seriously, who flies from Seattle to San Francisco to go looking for kilts with a friend. Well, Kirsten does! We didn't even make it to the kilt shop.....we did cover a lot of ground over those four days though. So I thought that I would share a little bit about how we got connected.

It all started because my friend Jessica couldn't use myspace that well at Simpson University so I started to blog so that we could have some good conversations about God, spirituality, and life....I guess it's all the same in a way. So I started blogging. One of the things that I had to do was list my interests and one of them was Frank Peretti books. One day this other man of God by the name of Dean, who lived in South Africa at the time, was looking for other people with similar interests and ran across me by the Frank Peretti interest. Dean and I started writing back and forth and he turned out to be a stand up guy so I started checking out people that he regularly corresponded with and ran across the talented writings of Kirsten ( I remember the first post of hers that I read was about waking up in the morning. It was so descriptive and so beautifully written. I was captivated and I just kept reading the posts. She had another one about a dream that she had recently and it made something click in one of the dreams that I had that wasn't making sense so I started to write her. Much to my surprise she wrote back and we became instant friends. It was one of those friendships that just seemed to come together just right. So here's to blogging and Gods will in our life. It's just to bizarre to not be of God. So blog!!! Reach out!!! Build relationships!!!

Father thank you for giving me Friends like Dean and Kirsten. It has been such a wild ride meeting and getting to know them and I am so grateful for it. Thank you for all of the friendships that have come from those two and just keep growing. Father I pray that our time writing, talking and hanging out together is of you and is fruitful. I pray that we never forget that we get to share in relationship because of you father. Father thank you for blessing us with a country where we can worship you freely and write about you with out fear of persecution. Thank you for loving us Father and showing us how to love each other. AMEN!!!


Rebecca said...

I've met some incredible people on this here blog-sphere, people that I would not have been able to meet had I not branched out and commented on their blogs. You're right - it's a great place to meet friends!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You met Kirsten! She is a pretty cool gal. In fact, she's pretty cool to live with too. Although she decided to move two hours south now. :) Hi Caleb, I'm Melissa. A friend of Kirsten's and her old roomie. Sounds like she had a blast going down to SanFran! Friendships ordained by God, no matter how He brings them together, are pretty amazing.

kirsten said...

yay!! i just saw this. this is such a fun post. our meeting is such a funny story & i'm really, really glad you turned out NOT to be creepy (i wasn't too creepy, was i??). thank you for that. :o)

and i love your pics!! i'm going to have to download some of those. :o)

thanks for a great weekend, my friend. it was a blast!!

Caleb said...

R-Isn't it crazy how many great people you can meet all over the world!!!

M-Did you ever get to witness any of her tantrums?

K-You rock!!! It's just that simple. I love you sister.